Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Blog Now?

Probably because I have a paper due in the morning ;)

BUT REALLY… I miss being connected with friends (especially ones who are far away), and while I wish I could just write each of my friends individually to catch-up and reconnect, I think a blog is a good place to start.

So what’s this blog going to be about?... I'm not sure! I’ve always liked to process things through writing, so my goal is to write. I want to write about life as a 21-year-old who is striving to live life to it’s fullest, who is more unsure than sure, who has more questions than answers. As much as I am starting this blog for my friends and cohorts to get a gimps into my life, I am starting it as a way for me to process my thoughts, experiences, pains, and joy. I know it’s crazy for me to start this NOW- when I have just one month left (cram time) of this semester in school. That may be why I need an outlet now, more that ever.

BLOG TIME- WOOHOOO!!! So despite the fears I have that come along with reentering the world of social networking, here I come blogspot! My hope and desire is this will be a way that you can connect with me, and I will connect with you. The friendships I have made over the years are so important to me and I want to do my part in maintaining those precious connections- even if it’s just thorough sharing bits and pieces of my life.
For all the ones I love- near and far,
Anna J

... A few friends I've been thinking of :)