Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unorganized Thoughts

I don’t enjoy music today. Sad songs are too sad and happy songs are too happy.

I’m in the process of decorating my newly painted room. I made some good progress today… using only items that I already had in my house! Pictures to come.

Four more days until I’m out of school for the summer!

I love celebrating the Passover almost as much as I love celebrating Easter. And I LOVE Easter! The fact that Jesus is alive changes everything. So tonight I ask- Jesus, what does that change for me? Thank you for your love and grace. For you were not wounded to heal the healthy, but the sick. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Blog Now?

Probably because I have a paper due in the morning ;)

BUT REALLY… I miss being connected with friends (especially ones who are far away), and while I wish I could just write each of my friends individually to catch-up and reconnect, I think a blog is a good place to start.

So what’s this blog going to be about?... I'm not sure! I’ve always liked to process things through writing, so my goal is to write. I want to write about life as a 21-year-old who is striving to live life to it’s fullest, who is more unsure than sure, who has more questions than answers. As much as I am starting this blog for my friends and cohorts to get a gimps into my life, I am starting it as a way for me to process my thoughts, experiences, pains, and joy. I know it’s crazy for me to start this NOW- when I have just one month left (cram time) of this semester in school. That may be why I need an outlet now, more that ever.

BLOG TIME- WOOHOOO!!! So despite the fears I have that come along with reentering the world of social networking, here I come blogspot! My hope and desire is this will be a way that you can connect with me, and I will connect with you. The friendships I have made over the years are so important to me and I want to do my part in maintaining those precious connections- even if it’s just thorough sharing bits and pieces of my life.
For all the ones I love- near and far,
Anna J

... A few friends I've been thinking of :)